Here’s a brief guide on how to mount a CIFS Windows share on Linux using cifs-utils and credentials. Replace anything in brackets with your own details.
Install cifs-utils.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install cifs-utils
Create a credentials file with the Windows share login credentials.
vim creds
Both username
and password
are required, but domain
is optional.
Create a mount point for the Windows share
sudo mkdir /mnt/[share]
Mount the Windows share using cifs-utils and the credentials file. Note that I am not securing my creds file or using a secure dir or file mode. These should be secured based on the details of your implementation.
sudo mount -t cifs //[server]/[share] /mnt/[share] \
-o credentials=/home/app/creds,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777
The mount command only persists until the next reboot. This step is mainly for testing to make sure everything is working. We’ll make it permanent using /etc/fstab
sudo vim /etc/fstab
Add the following line.
//[server]/[share] /mnt/[share] cifs credentials=/home/app/creds,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0 0
Now the share will mount on reboot.